Friday, December 18, 2009

Winter Break

Hey everyone! I'm sooooooo happy. Winter break is finally here. I love Christmas. I plan on volunteering at Asian Health Services in Oakland Chinatown. I've been volunteering there since 6th grade. I go there as much as I can, even if it's only for a day, like on Staff Development Day. I also plan on going ice skating with Iris and some other friends. I love ice skating. I miss it so much because I had to quit because I started high school. If you guys want to learn how to ice skate, just comment and we'll go. My conditions are that I have to know you, meaning I go to school with you and your my friend. Second, I'm broke, so you'll have to pay for my admission and rental skates. Most likely you guys won't take lessons from me because on my second condition.

I also can't wait til I get enough money to buy my itouch. I only need $10 more. I finally get to listen to my music again. The only thing that sucks about winter break this year is the fact that Ms. Malik, my chemistry teacher, gave me 3 worksheets. If you guys know me, then you should know that I'm going to wait until lunch and do it on the Monday we come back. If you guys have Ms Malik, then you are welcome to help me.

Since I have nothing else to talk about, let me ask you guys a question. Can you guys name all of Santa's Reindeers because I can't. I had to go online. Here are the names for those of you who are just like me. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. I hope you guys will have a better Christmas than me. I love working at Asian Health, but you guys probably would rather go out with your friends than to work. That's all I have for today. I hope you guys get what you want for Christmas. Maybe you'll get lucky and kiss someone special under the mistletoe. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. See you when winter break is over. Until then, see ya!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Hey everybody! Today is my cousin's birthday. If you read my blog from last week, then you would remember Samantha's birthday. She is Jessica's older sister. She turned nine today. I'm such a bad cousin because I didn't have a gift for either of them. But I did make her boiled eggs because our grandparents always made boiled eggs-we call it birthday eggs-on our birthday. My mom got her an Amazon gift card. I wonder what she's going to get with that. If I were her, I would use it to help me buy my itouch. I hope she spends it well.

Now that I don't have anything else to say, now I would describe what is happening around me until I reach 300 words. I don't have a choice because I can't think of anything to write about. My step-brothers come over every other weekend. They are over this weekend, and we are all watching an anime called Case Closed. It is a detective show. The episode we are watching is a murder case. The victim's name is Maya. Her older sister killed her making it look like a suicide. Mindy is the name of the murderer. The reason she killed her sister is because they got along too well. Maya copied her sister's every move. She even fell in love with Mindy's boyfriend. But Mindy's boyfriend loves Maya and not Mindy. That's why they are getting married. Mindy thought her sister didn't care about her, but she did. She decided to lie to Mindy saying she fell in love with her boyfriend, but what really happened was that he proposed to Maya. Maya decided to lie so that Mindy won't be as sad if she knew he loved Maya even though she didn't give him the time of day. When Mindy found out about this, she really regretted doing it.

That's all for today. Hope you come back next week. Until then, see ya!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Little Sister and Cousin

Before I begin my blog post, I would like to say,

Hey everyone! Welcome back. Today, I would like to talk about my little sister and cousin. They are extremely bad kids. They get into everything. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them. My little sister is Ashley and she turned 4 in August. She's not exactly my sister, she's my half-sister. My cousin's name is Joshua and he is about 3 or 4 (I forgot, so don't tell him. I know, I'm a bad cousin) and his birthday is in October. They get in trouble so much. Alone they are manageable, but together, they are unbearable. This past weekend, my mom, step-dad, older sister, 2 younger step-brothers, my half-sister, and I went up to Mariposa (not sure if I spelled it correctly) to visit my step-dad's parents. I haven't been there in years. It is so beautiful up there. It's 2 hours away from here, but only an hour away from Yosemite. Anyway, on Saturday, we made this huge bonfire to burn old wood, and my little sister saw it. Guess what happened when we got home. She built a bonfire with my cousin's toys at my auntie's house yesterday. Think about it people, my auntie has 3 girls and a son (Joshua). They have a ton of toys. So Ashley goes right into the toy room and dumps all the toys in a huge pile. When my auntie came in, her jaw literally dropped. When she asked Ashley what she was doing, Ashley said, "Yee-Yee, look, a bonfire." And she pointed at the pile and started blowing it like a real fire. And guess who she brought to help with this. Joshua. Now here's a question for you guys. Who ended up cleaning this all up? Me. Well not just me, my older sister, Ashley, and my auntie helped too.

Here's another story for you all. Today after dinner, Ashley drew all over my auntie's table. Guess what she used to draw with. A sharpie. A permanent marker. When my auntie saw, she said, "Who did this?" And Ashley said, "Joshua did it." When my auntie asked Joshua if he did it he said, "No." So my auntie looked around the room and saw her youngest daughter, Christina, and asked her if she saw anything. She said, "I saw Ashley do it." When my Auntie went back to Ashley, she said, "I didn't do it, Yee-Yee. Joshie did it." Before I continue with the story here people, here's a little question for you. What happens when little kids play with markers? Right, they get it on their hands. So when my auntie asked for the kid's hands, she saw that there were none on Joshua's, but 2 marks on Ashley's. What does that say about Ashley? It says that she is a liar at the age of 4. FOUR people. She hasn't even been to preschool for a year now and she is already lying. Anyway, guess who had to clean the table. You're wrong this time. I DID NOT clean it up this time. My grandma decided on her own free will to clean it up. I have no idea how long it took, but she got it off. Let's give her a round of applause.

You guys know what sucked about Ashley doing that to the table? She didn't even get in trouble with our mom. My mom came over to eat cake with everyone because it was my auntie's oldest daughter's birthday. When she saw what Ashley did, she was like, "No Dora the Explorer and Longan (Dragon Eye in Chinese-a type of fruit) for a week." When my oldest sister heard, she was like, "Yes no Dora!" I was mad though because guess what happened the next day. She got her Dora and Longan back. You know why I was mad. I was mad because when I was Ashley's age and I drew on the wall at my grandparent's old house in Oakland with a crayon (NOT a permanent marker), I got spanked in the butt with a hangar. I was thinking that it is so not fair. Since I'm comparing stuff about me and my sister, I might as well tell you guys my mom is spoiling her too much. My mom is going to buy her a DS and an itouch while my sister and I when we were her age only wanted a game boy to share. To share, not one each, and guess what she said. She said no. We had to ask our auntie to get it for us as a Christmas gift. I think I should stop now before I get too carried away. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about next week, so you'll just have to come back and find out. Until then, see ya!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Got Glasses!

Hey everyone! I'm back and I have glasses. I'm going for a new look. No braces, but I've got glasses. I'm so happy. I can't read anything without them. I can see the general shape of things far away, but I can't see the details or read. I always had to sit on the floor in the front of the class or steal a seat from someone. But now I can sit in my own seat to see.

I always got confused with the near-sighted and far-sighted. If you guys know, just post the answer with your comments about this post, and if you guys see me with my glasses on, make sure to tell me I look good, or else you will end up with a black eye. Just joking. No seriously, tell me I look good. Anyway, they're metallic purple with a wire frame. All the classes I need them for are: English(sometimes), Spanish 3, HP Pre-Calculus, Modern World History, and Chemistry(sometimes). That means the only class I don't need them for is P.E.

The down side to having glasses is the nicknames. I will so kill anyone that calls me 4-eyes, so don't say it. I am running out of things to say, so I will talk about the Thanksgiving break. On Thanksgiving day, I'm going to have dinner with my dad's side of the family. Tomorrow, I'm eating dinner at my auntie's house on my mom's side of the family. Next weekend I'm going up to the Yosemite area to spend time with my grandparents on my step-dad's side of the family. What else? Oh yeah, the most important thing is: Homework! Yes, I'm so happy. OK, my mom is gone. You actually thought I was happy about homework. You guys don't know me at all. My mom was looking over my shoulder, so I had to say something to get her to leave. Now that she's gone, I HATE HOMEWORK, I HAVE 4 MATH ASSIGNMENTS, 1 MATH PROJECT(BUT IT'S DUE ON 12/4), AND ABOUT A WEEK OR 2 OF HISTORY HOMEWORK. I'M GOING TO DIE. Oh well, if you guys see me after the break and I look horrible, then you know what happened. That's about all I have to say, so see you next time. Until then, see ya!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm Getting My Braces Off Right Now! JK (For all you oldies, Just Joking)

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry about my post on Monday. I wanted to post it up, but I didn't have enough words for it to pass for my homework. And also because I didn't know what to say since I never got my braces taken off before. I didn't know what to say before I got it off, but now that I'm braces free, I have plenty to say about it.

Getting my braces off felt great. No more food stuck in them, I can eat my caramel apple, I can chew gum (Even though we all know I was still chewing gum with my braces on.), I can bite into an apple, my teeth is so smooth, they're strait. I love them. I hate the retainer though because they make my teeth sore. Just an FYI, never bite into an apple after taking your retainer off. It hurts so much. I will never do that again. I was like, "I'm hungry. I want an apple. *Taking retainer off and bite*, OW! What the (BEEP) was that. You (BEEP) (BEEP) retainer." Just joking. That never happened to me. I'm not that stupid, am I? Oh well. What are we talking about again? Oh yeah, so any way, NEVER BITE INTO AN APPLE AFTER TAKING YOUR RETAINER OFF OR YOU WILL REGRET IT. DON'T BE STUPID, BE SMART. LOL.

Once I got my braces off, I was so happy until my sister says, "Next stop: Wisdom Teeth. And I was like, "Hell no. I am not letting some person go into my mouth and yank my wisdom teeth out. Let them do it to other people, but not me. By now, you're probably wondering if this is actually Priscilla writing this. Your thinking, She would never talk like this. She doesn't use "LOL" or "Like" all the time. I'm right aren't I? Sorry to break this to you guys, but it is truly, The One, The Only, Priscilla. This is probably the only time I'm going to write like this because I'm so excited about not being brace face. I'm probably scaring you by now, so I'm going to leave and hope your not too scared to come back next week. Until then, see ya!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Statement of Purpose

Hey everyone! Since no one commented on my Halloween post last week, I decided to not continue the post. Another reason why I'm not continuing is because I have to write about my 'New Statement of Purpose'. Remember my first post, 'Statement of Purpose'? Yeah, I have to write a new one, but next week, I'm going to write about my braces coming off. I'm so excited. I'm getting them off on November 11 at 8:30 in the morning which is in 6 days from today. I'm so happy because I get to miss P.E. Anyways, I'm going to post it at exactly 8:30 right before my braces come off. You must be wondering how I'm going to post it when I'm supposed to be at my appointment. Yeah, I know you guys better than I know myself. You guys think I'm joking, so be up at 8:30 and watch my post appear right before your eyes after you refresh the page. You will be amazed by how I do it if I decide to tell you. Now that I said that, here's my 'New Statement of Purpose'.

I think my statement of purpose stayed the same, but it did change a little. I first decided to write about fantasy, comedy and the books I read. I still want to do that, but I want to change the way I write about the books I read, and I want to talk about my vacations I went on. You probably already know that since I finished 'The Alaskan Cruise'. I still plan to write about the books I read, but I want to change some of the stuff the author wrote about and add it to my own story. Like my Halloween post last week, I got some stuff from Tamora Pierce because I love her books. The Stormwings, Dragons, Immortals, Gods, Lesser Gods, and the Divine Realms all came from her. The other stuff came from me or other sources.

Overall, I think my 'Statement of Purpose' never really changed. Near the end of the year, or even after that (because I plan to try and keep up with this blog even after I finish this class), I think my 'Statement of Purpose' will change. It will keep changing because ideas always come and go, you never stick with one idea for very long. Ideas are always changing and they will keep doing that til the end of time. That is all I have to say about my 'New Statement of Purpose'. Be ready to be amazed when I get my braces off. Until then, see ya!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Hey everyone! Welcome back. This will be my first blog post that has nothing to do with Alaska or for school. This is still part of my grade, but I get to write about something different this time. Just an FYI, I have a new blog called, English At AHS 2, and the URL is: I made this blog because I had a major problem with my account on google and blogger and i got tired of trying to fix it, so I just got a new account and blog. Another reason is because I got a major headache, so anyways, you guys can still visit my old blog at:, or you can come to my new blog. Everything is the same, I still post something every week, and I will still post on my old blog just in case people didn't get the memo. So now after I said all this, lets listen to my blog about Halloween.

Halloween is a time when witches, ghosts, vampires, goblins, and other magical creatures come out to play. Some are good like Casper the Friendly Ghost, and others are evil like The Wicked Witch of the West. On this special night, these creatures come out to play with the mortals. The mortals don't know they are there because they too look like these creatures. Every night on Halloween, the mortals dress up in costumes like these creatures and go out to trick-or-treat. While these mortals are out trick-or-treating, the creatures decides on their own way of having fun. The witches, good or bad, are brewing their potions, the vampires are sucking blood from the humans, the goblins are terrorizing everybody in sight. All the creatures are finding some ways to have fun on their only day in the Mortal Realm. You see, there are 2 different realms in the universe, the Mortal Realm and the Divine Realm.

The Mortal Realm is the place where we humans are living. The Divine Realm is a place where the Gods, Lesser Gods, Immortals, and Creatures live. Every year, on Halloween night, the portal between the Mortal and Divine Realms open for the creatures to cross. At the stroke of midnight the portal closes and those who had failed to cross back have to live in the Mortal Realm until Halloween night the next year. The portal only opens for the creatures on Halloween night every year. For the Gods, they have the power to cross over whenever they want. The Lesser Gods can only cross over during the equinoxes. Some Immortals, like the Dragons, can cross over whenever they like, but for others like the Stormwings, can only cross over with the aid of another being, whether it's during an equinox with a Lesser God, or on Halloween night with the creatures, they do not have the power to cross over on their own. Since I have exceeded my word limit, I must stop my story for now. For those who want to hear more, please comment telling me you want more. If no one comments, then I will write about something else for my blog post next week. Also don't forget to check off what you thought about my story so far at the bottom of this post. Your choices are: funny, cool, O.K., or boring. Until then, see ya!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Alaskan Cruise 2009 Part 1 1/2: Juneau, Alaska (Bus Ride Stories)

Hey everyone! Thanks for coming back. I know, my vacation is over. I'm so sad, but here are some of the stories I forgot to tell you when I was in Juneau. Remember the lady the bus driver forgot? Yeah, that was my favorite. That was the funniest story on that bus ride, so if you get bored, just tell me and I will talk about something else next time. Just go to the bottom of this post later and check off what you thought about it, or leave a comment. Your choices are: Funny, Cool, O.K., or Boring. Make sure to do the same with my previous blog posts. Now here is one of my stories.

One of the stories the bus driver told us was about a golden eagle statue that was ordered around the same time Florida ordered their golden pelican statue. When they got the statues, Alaska got the golden pelicans while Florida got the eagles. They did some investigations and found that the orders were mixed up. Alaska tried asking Florida for their eagle statue, but Florida said, " No. Your eagle statue is beautiful. We're going to keep it. You guys are just going to have to keep the pelican statue." This was funny because now there is a pelican statue in Alaska even though Alaska doesn't even have pelicans. Now it is sitting outside of a very important building which I forgot what it was called. Sorry. If you're ever in Florida, check out Alaska's eagles. If your ever in Juneau, Alaska, check out Florida's pelicans. Here is a picture of an eagle:

My next story is about a salmon hitting a jet. I'm talking about a salmon hitting a jet, not the other way around. Anyway, the jet that the salmon hit is a kind of plane where it can still fly with only one engine. This means that the people on that plane were extremely lucky because an eagle went down near the water and caught a salmon. It headed toward the trees to eat it's prey when an engine of a jet scared the eagle and it dropped it's pray. The engine broke because the salmon got sucked into the engine. That was the only recorded record of a salmon hitting a jet. Isn't that interesting? That's about all the stories I know, so thank you for spending your precious time reading these post about my Alaskan Cruise. Please come back next week to see what I'm writing about next because I'm not sure myself. Until then, see ya!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Alaskan Cruise 2009 Part 5:Victoria, British Columbia

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming back and reading part 5 of The Alaskan Cruise. My next stop after Ketchikan, Alaska is Victoria, British Columbia. This is my last stop before I return to Seattle, Washington. At this stop, my family and I ate dinner before we got off the ship. We stayed here for only a few hours because the ship had to leave to make it back to Seattle's port on time. So after we ate dinner, we got off the ship and got on a bus to Chinatown. On the way there we past by this beautiful lit up building. I think it was a castle or a museum. I just know it was beautiful. We tried to take a picture, but since it was dark and we were moving, the picture turned into lines. But there's a picture from the Internet at the bottom of the post.

After we got off the bus, we started walking around to visit all the shops. Since it was getting late, most of the shops already closed for the night. We weren't exactly in Chinatown yet. We had to walk a "few" blocks until we saw the Chinatown sign.

It looks like the picture at the bottom of this post.

We took some pictures under it then we continued to walk around. After a hour or so, we got back onto a bus and went back to the ship. I'm pretty sure your wondering what my cruise ship looks like since I didn't show you a picture of it in the past 4 parts. Here is a picture of it I got off the web at the bottom of this post.

And here's a picture of the Amsterdam Cruise Ship following us at the bottom of this blog.

So after we got back onto the ship, we went to our staterooms to pack our bags. After we finished, my sister and two step-brothers, and I went to see our friends to say good-bye to some of them while the others that were still awake, played hide-and-go-seek with us all night or until a security guard came and said, "You better leave or I'm going to call your parents and have them 'collect' you." After he left we were like, "We're not collectibles, we're human beings." There is a picture of the room at the bottom of this post.

Then we went somewhere else and started walking around. After a while, our group turned into a group of 6, so we went to Deck 14 to play Truth or Dare. We played until morning. We had an early breakfast since we were already up. After breakfast, we said our final good-byes and went to find our parents. After they left, we got off the boat, went to the airport and went back home. This is the end of The Alaskan Cruise, I hope you liked it. Please come back and read about the other stories I didn't tell you about in Juneau, Alaska. Until then, see ya!

(They are by the Ice Wall that we just passed.)

(This is the room we were playing in)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Alaskan Cruise 2009 Part 4:Ketchikan, Alaska

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming back and reading part 4 of The Alaskan Cruise. My next stop after Tracy Arm Fjord is Ketchikan, Alaska. All we did was visit most of their shops. They had a lot of stuff. We even got these glass ornaments with pictures of the places in Ketchikan for free. I just loved them. We even got these free topaz necklaces. You should have seen it. We met up with my step-dad's best friend's wife and told her about the necklaces and she went all crazy trying to convince her husband to let her go get them. I was laughing so hard. After we said our good-bye's, we continued shopping. Every time we went into a shop with plush huskies, my little half-sister, Ashley would go all crazy. She LOVES dogs. She would tell my mom to take a picture of her with them. It wasn't just dogs though, it was EVERY animal she saw. It was a giant polar bear, a black bear, a killer whale. There were so many of them standing outside of stores that it took forever to leave. And if we don't take a picture, she would cry until we finally took the picture. After we were done and it was almost time to go back to the ship, we went to get in line when we saw a carriage pulled by 2 horses. They were standing there letting people take pictures with them. There were also 2 huskies in the carriage. My little sister saw them and wanted a picture too. After we took our picture, we got back in line. The line was long, so my step-brother, Tyler, and I went ahead to stand with my cousin, Sandy, who was farther ahead in line. We waited forever until we finally got back onto the ship. Once back on the ship, we headed back to our staterooms to get ready for dinner, so I hope you liked it. Please come back and read about my last stop in Victoria, British Columbia, next week. Until then, see ya!

Tatum Blog Post

(3.) Some examples will highlight the process. Several years ago one of my students conducted a research project investigating preschoolers’ conceptions of[4] Native Americans. Using children at a local day care center as her participants, she asked these three- and four-year-olds to draw a picture of a Native American. Most children were stumped by her request. They didn’t know what a Native American was. But when she rephrased the question and asked them to draw a picture of an Indian, they readily complied. Almost every picture included one central feature: feathers. In fact, many of them also included a weapon—a knife or tomahawk—and depicted the person in violent or aggressive terms.

(4.) Though this group of children, almost all of whom were White, did not live near a large Native American population and probably had had little if any personal interaction with American Indians, they all had internalized an image of what Indians were like. How did they know? Cartoon images, in particular the Disney movie Peter Pan, were cited by the children as their number-one source of information. At the age of three, these children already had a set of stereotypes in place. Though I would not describe three-year-olds as prejudiced, the stereotypes to which they have been exposed become the foundation for the adult prejudices so many of us have.

I believe the children are not prejudice because it is not their fault the Indians in Peter Pan are violent. Disney is the one at fault because they made the Indians that way. The children just watch it. I mean, if there was a new show on, people will get curious and want to watch it. How should they know the Indians in the show were violent. I'll be honest. Peter Pan was one of my favorite Disney movie. I'm not saying all Indians are violent, but the Indians in Peter Pan were kinda violent, but they were trying to find their princess, Tiger Lily. After Peter Pan rescued Tiger Lily, they were nice except for the one big Indian who kept telling Wendy to go get fire wood. They may seem violent at first, but who wouldn't be mad if their child was taken away and they didn't know who took them? I would be mad. My final thought on this is that the Indians in Peter Pan are NOT violent, they were protective.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Alaskan Cruise 2009 Part 3:Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska (Scenic Cruising)

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming back and reading part 3 of The Alaskan Cruise. My next stop after Skagway is Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska, but all we do is stand outside on the ship and look at a big wall of ice, so after I spent an hour or so looking at ice, I went to the ping-pong table and made some new friends. We played for a little bit before I went to the buffet to eat with my family. After eating, my cousins and I went back to our rooms to change into our swimsuits.

The pool there is awesome because since the ship is moving, we get waves in the pool. It was funny watching my uncle swim with my cousins clinging to him. It must have been hard for him since the waves were big. After swimming for a while, my step-dad, Joseph, called me out of the pool because there were whales out in the water. When I got to the window, all I saw was water splashing, I didn't see any part of the whale. My aunt, Kimberly, recorded the whole thing, but when we played it, we didn't even see the water splashing. After the whales were gone, we went back to the pool to swim. My uncle was still pulling my cousins around. When we were done swimming, we went over to the ice cream stand to get some ice cream. It was delicious! One of the things I like about a cruise is the free food.

When we were done with our ice cream, we went back to our staterooms to take a shower and get ready for dinner. On a cruise ship, everyone gets a specific time, place, and table for dinner. Our dinner time just happens to be the first one of the day, so we have to get ready early if we want to eat anything. If we do miss our dinner, we could go to the 24 hour buffet. One of the things I hate about a cruise, is the formal nights. during those nights, we have to dress up for dinner. If we don't, then we can't eat unless we go to the buffet, but I can live with that. Even though I hate the formal nights, I would still rather have every day a formal night as long as I don't have to see my mom. I could do anything I want on the ship because I can't go anywhere but stay on the ship, so my mom doesn't care.

After dinner, all I did was hang out, so that's all I did during my 3rd day on my Alaskan Cruise. I hope you liked it. Please come back and read about my next stop in Ketchikan, Alaska, next week. Until then, see ya!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Alaskan Cruise 2009 Part 2:Skagway, Alaska

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming back and reading part 2 of The Alaskan Cruise. My next stop after Juneau is Skagway, Alaska. This is where I went on a train ride to see all of the amazing places. I think it was 3 hours long, but before we got onto the train, we headed into town to check out the place because we might not get enough time after the train ride. When we got into town, we saw a police woman standing by a train. When we got closer, we saw that the train was derailed. Luckily, no one was injured. The police woman said her job was to direct people away from the train. Since the train was stuck between the town and the road, she had to lead us towards a safer route to get in and out of town. Once we got into the town, we walked for a half hour, then went back towards the train. When we got to the derailed train, we saw another train pulling the derailed train out of the way. When they were done, we went and boarded our train. Through out the train ride, my cousins were playing and running all over the place. I feel sorry for my 3 year old cousin, Joshua. He was running with his sisters and hit his tooth on something hard. he chipped his tooth and started crying. My grandparents were on the train to as well as my great aunt. It was so funny watching them sleep through out the train ride. We called it the $500 Senior Sleepover. My mom got so mad because she paid so much for them to be on the train just to fall asleep. I don't remember this train ride that well because it wasn't that much fun because the funniest moment spent on the train was watching my grandparents sleep. Since I don't want to bore you to death, I will just end my story now. I hope you liked it. Please come back and read about my next stop in Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska (Scenic Cruising), next week. Until then, see ya!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Alaskan Cruise 2009 Part 1:Juneau, Alaska

Before I begin my story, I would like to say,"TODAY'S MY 15TH BIRTHDAY!" Thank you! I hope you like my story.

During the week of August 15th, my family and I went on a cruise in Alaska. We went from Seattle, Washington to Juneau, Alaska. We spent our time by going on a bus ride to see a salmon hatchery and the glaciers. It was so cool, we saw a wall of ice. On our way back to the cruise, our bus driver was telling us stories. One of the stories was about his first tour group. When they were leaving the salmon hatchery, he remembered he didn't do a head count at the beginning of the tour, so he asked everybody if they had everybody in their party like 5 or 6 times and they all said yes, so he started the car and left. He was half way back to the cruise, when he gets a call from the hatchery and they told him he left a lady behind, so he turned around and drove back to get her. On his way back, he felt so depressed and sorry that he was trying to think of a way to apologize, but when he gets there, the lady used every, I mean every swear word in the book. When she was finished, she stomped right up to the very back of the bus, and guess who she sat next to. HER HUSBAND. He was telling her the whole way back that he "tried" to stop the bus, but nobody listened. When they finally get to the cruise, the bus driver tried to apologize again, but the lady walked right past him. Guess who came out of the bus last. HER HUSBAND. When he got off the bus, he had the most mischievous smile on his face. He went right up to the bus driver and said, "Thank you for the best 30 minutes of my life". Then he gave him $20 and walked off. The other stories he told us, I will save for next time, so I hope you liked it. Please come back and read about my next stop in Skagway, Alaska, next week. Until then, see ya!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Statement Of Purpose

The topics I plan to write about are stuff that happens in real life, like my life in school or at home. I also plan on writing a fantasy, comedy, or a life that will never happen to me, like in books or movies. This way I can improve my summarizing and creativity skills. I think one of the reasons why I chose these topics is because of the books I read. I always wanted a life where I find true love, or find that I'm different and have special talents or magic powers. Another reason is because I'm always watching anime, so that's why I think of comedy. A lot of the anime I watch is either love, comedy, magic, or all of them. I just think it would be totally awesome if my life was like that. I mean who doesn't want magic powers.

I never actually thought about getting a blog to improve my writing. I always thought the only way to improve my writing was to read more or pay attention during class. I also didn't think about a blog because I'm not the type to get a blog, talk to my friends online, or go out all the time. My life is boring and it is the total opposite of what happens in the books I read. I'm also the type of person who doesn't go to dances, or goes but doesn't dance. The reason I don't dance is because I don't know how to dance. I don't want to make a fool out of myself. Darn it! I'm going off topic. I usually do this when I have nothing else to talk about. Any way, one reason why I hope this blog would improve my writing is because I don't want to go off track every time I write something. During summer school, I always went off track in my writing, but I still got an A in that class. Shoot, I'm going off track again. Sorry about that, any way, I also hope to improve my writing so I can graduate high school and head to a good college. I also need strait A's to learn how to drive so, this blog better help or I'm never getting my permit, or worse, my license. I at least need to get all A's or B's to keep my phone. Another topic I want to write about is what's on my mind. A lot of people usually just choose something they were thinking about and write, so I'm going to try it. I also hope to write about my trips to Florida and Alaska this past summer. I have a lot of funny stories from my cruise in Alaska, like a salmon hitting a jet, or how everyone in my family was making fun of my mom about her shopping all the time. It was a trip I will never forget. I'm probably going to fail this assignment because I always went off topic, but I might be able to edit it out if it is more than 400 words. Any way, like I said, I hope this blog will improve my writing.