The topics I plan to write about are stuff that happens in real life, like my life in school or at home. I also plan on writing a fantasy, comedy, or a life that will never happen to me, like in books or movies. This way I can improve my summarizing and creativity skills. I think one of the reasons why I chose these topics is because of the books I read. I always wanted a life where I find true love, or find that I'm different and have special talents or magic powers. Another reason is because I'm always watching anime, so that's why I think of comedy. A lot of the anime I watch is either love, comedy, magic, or all of them. I just think it would be totally awesome if my life was like that. I mean who doesn't want magic powers.
I never actually thought about getting a blog to improve my writing. I always thought the only way to improve my writing was to read more or pay attention during class. I also didn't think about a blog because I'm not the type to get a blog, talk to my friends online, or go out all the time. My life is boring and it is the total opposite of what happens in the books I read. I'm also the type of person who doesn't go to dances, or goes but doesn't dance. The reason I don't dance is because I don't know how to dance. I don't want to make a fool out of myself. Darn it! I'm going off topic. I usually do this when I have nothing else to talk about. Any way, one reason why I hope this blog would improve my writing is because I don't want to go off track every time I write something. During summer school, I always went off track in my writing, but I still got an A in that class. Shoot, I'm going off track again. Sorry about that, any way, I also hope to improve my writing so I can graduate high school and head to a good college. I also need strait A's to learn how to drive so, this blog better help or I'm never getting my permit, or worse, my license. I at least need to get all A's or B's to keep my phone. Another topic I want to write about is what's on my mind. A lot of people usually just choose something they were thinking about and write, so I'm going to try it. I also hope to write about my trips to Florida and Alaska this past summer. I have a lot of funny stories from my cruise in Alaska, like a salmon hitting a jet, or how everyone in my family was making fun of my mom about her shopping all the time. It was a trip I will never forget. I'm probably going to fail this assignment because I always went off topic, but I might be able to edit it out if it is more than 400 words. Any way, like I said, I hope this blog will improve my writing.
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