Hey everyone! Thanks for coming back. I know, my vacation is over. I'm so sad, but here are some of the stories I forgot to tell you when I was in Juneau. Remember the lady the bus driver forgot? Yeah, that was my favorite. That was the funniest story on that bus ride, so if you get bored, just tell me and I will talk about something else next time. Just go to the bottom of this post later and check off what you thought about it, or leave a comment. Your choices are: Funny, Cool, O.K., or Boring. Make sure to do the same with my previous blog posts. Now here is one of my stories.
One of the stories the bus driver told us was about a golden eagle statue that was ordered around the same time Florida ordered their golden pelican statue. When they got the statues, Alaska got the golden pelicans while Florida got the eagles. They did some investigations and found that the orders were mixed up. Alaska tried asking Florida for their eagle statue, but Florida said, " No. Your eagle statue is beautiful. We're going to keep it. You guys are just going to have to keep the pelican statue." This was funny because now there is a pelican statue in Alaska even though Alaska doesn't even have pelicans. Now it is sitting outside of a very important building which I forgot what it was called. Sorry. If you're ever in Florida, check out Alaska's eagles. If your ever in Juneau, Alaska, check out Florida's pelicans. Here is a picture of an eagle:

My next story is about a salmon hitting a jet. I'm talking about a salmon hitting a jet, not the other way around. Anyway, the jet that the salmon hit is a kind of plane where it can still fly with only one engine. This means that the people on that plane were extremely lucky because an eagle went down near the water and caught a salmon. It headed toward the trees to eat it's prey when an engine of a jet scared the eagle and it dropped it's pray. The engine broke because the salmon got sucked into the engine. That was the only recorded record of a salmon hitting a jet. Isn't that interesting? That's about all the stories I know, so thank you for spending your precious time reading these post about my Alaskan Cruise. Please come back next week to see what I'm writing about next because I'm not sure myself. Until then, see ya!
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