Hey everyone! Since no one commented on my Halloween post last week, I decided to not continue the post. Another reason why I'm not continuing is because I have to write about my 'New Statement of Purpose'. Remember my first post, 'Statement of Purpose'? Yeah, I have to write a new one, but next week, I'm going to write about my braces coming off. I'm so excited. I'm getting them off on November 11 at 8:30 in the morning which is in 6 days from today. I'm so happy because I get to miss P.E. Anyways, I'm going to post it at exactly 8:30 right before my braces come off. You must be wondering how I'm going to post it when I'm supposed to be at my appointment. Yeah, I know you guys better than I know myself. You guys think I'm joking, so be up at 8:30 and watch my post appear right before your eyes after you refresh the page. You will be amazed by how I do it if I decide to tell you. Now that I said that, here's my 'New Statement of Purpose'.
I think my statement of purpose stayed the same, but it did change a little. I first decided to write about fantasy, comedy and the books I read. I still want to do that, but I want to change the way I write about the books I read, and I want to talk about my vacations I went on. You probably already know that since I finished 'The Alaskan Cruise'. I still plan to write about the books I read, but I want to change some of the stuff the author wrote about and add it to my own story. Like my Halloween post last week, I got some stuff from Tamora Pierce because I love her books. The Stormwings, Dragons, Immortals, Gods, Lesser Gods, and the Divine Realms all came from her. The other stuff came from me or other sources.
Overall, I think my 'Statement of Purpose' never really changed. Near the end of the year, or even after that (because I plan to try and keep up with this blog even after I finish this class), I think my 'Statement of Purpose' will change. It will keep changing because ideas always come and go, you never stick with one idea for very long. Ideas are always changing and they will keep doing that til the end of time. That is all I have to say about my 'New Statement of Purpose'. Be ready to be amazed when I get my braces off. Until then, see ya!
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