Friday, September 30, 2011

A Response to Stephy Chen's Post

Hey Everyone! Today, I’m going to be responding to Stephy Chen’s Post! I hope we’re not the only ones!
I do not know why I always to publish my posts in the last minutes before twelve o'clock Friday.Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why??? Why I becoming an lazy ass??? I think I just push all the homework at nighttime tries to do them all together at once. As affect, that thus I do not have enough to sleep.

I, unlike Stephy, know why I wait until the very last minute to publish my posts on Friday night. It is because I am a lazy person. I am ALWAYS procrastinating on my homework. When I say “I’m going to get it done tonight”, I really mean, “I’m going to start on it in the morning on the bus”. As a result, I end up staying up late on facebook and chatting with my friends.

But I have an excuse. You see, I have a job that starts after school, so I don’t have time to do my homework before work. But I also do not have time to do my homework after work because I have to go eat dinner, and then “study” for my SATs (Go on facebook). If there were more hours in the day, then I would spend it on doing my homework (Facebook). But we don’t so I can’t help it.

And then I have to go to sleep earlier because I have zero period current life. Do you know that I am NOT a morning person? Well you do now! I cannot wake up when I do not have enough sleep, so I end up being late for class. Well, at least it’s only for a semester right?

Well, I hope you guys liked this post. I’m sure A LOT of you guys do the same thing too! Well hope to hear from you soon! Until then, see ya!

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