Friday, September 9, 2011

OMG I'm Back!

Hey Everyone! I’m back and ready to write, write, and write some more! Last time I was here, I was a Sophomore, now I’m a....(drum roll)….SENIOR! That’s right, little (annoying, according to Michelle Galicia) Priscilla is a Senior and she’s going to make the best out of her Senior Year. Right now I’m at Michelle’s house, and my BFF is here doing her homework. I’m trying to find things to write right now because it is only the second week of school and I’m still in summer mode. I guess since I’m still in summer mode, I’ll give you a brief summary of my summer.

So in June, I basically just stayed home to sleep, eat, read, and watch TV. I mostly just read books. If I were to estimate how many books I read this summer, I would say like 30 or 40 books. I love reading books that are not for school because they don’t make me fall asleep! But at one point I was like, “There’s nothing good to read!” so I just watched TV. Now wasn’t that an interesting first month of summer? Yeah…I didn’t think so either…but next month gets better.

It's Minnie with the "girls" XD
So in July, I went to Europe for like 2 weeks. I left on July 7th and came back on July 22nd. The first day, all we did was travel. We had to fly to Chicago and make a transfer and then we had to fly to Madrid. From Madrid, we had to fly to Barcelona. The rest of the trip, I’ll tell you guys later because I’m going to need something to write for the next month or two.

I'm in Gryffindor!

When I came back, I started volunteering at this clinic in Chinatown. I’ve volunteered there for about four or five years now. I love that place. This summer I was finally able to start shadowing the nurses there. I want to be a nurse, if you didn’t know it already, so it was a really good experience for me. On the 4th, I went to see the Harry Potter movie and the next day, I flew off to Orlando, Florida for a family vacation. The rest of this trip will be shared with you guys in the future. Sorry guys, but I get writer’s block easily, so I need to save some of these stories for next time.

I hope you guys will come back and read my posts! Until then, see ya!

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