Hey everyone! I forgot to tell you last week that this week, instead of a weekly blog post, I will be posting my first, monthly book review. Like I said last week, I suck at summaries, so please go easy on the critiquing. Enjoy!
The book, "Wild Magic", written by Tamora Pierce, is about a 13 year old girl named Veralidaine Sarrasri, but everyone calls her Daine. She lost everything when a group of bandits came to her town in Snowsdale. They killed her mom, grandpa, and all of her animals. Daine and her horse, Cloud were lucky enough to be out of the house at that time, so they survived. She then began living with the wolves and she started changing into one. They tracked down the bandits and killed them. Will Daine ever find a home again? Will she ever be able to trust humans again? This book tells the story of how a girl lost everything. She went on a journey, made some friends, and learned things about herself she never would have known if she didn't leave her town.
Cloud slowly started trying to get the old Daine back step by step. After a while they finally found her. They left town because all the towns people were trying to kill her. They went to Cría and met Onua. She got a job and left with her and her ponies to Tortall. Once they got there, she learned that she was gifted with wild magic. Wild magic is in everything. It allows her to communicate with animals. She can command them, but doesn't because it's not right. They later went to Pirate's Swoop and after a few days, were under attack. The Carthaki mages, the ones who are attacking Daine and her friends, opened a portal through the Divine Realms to bring back more Stormwings to fight for them. In the process, they accidentally sucked a pregnant Dragon through the portal and killed her baby. She had the animals attack the Carthaki, making sure they have bad food and water. They also made sure they didn't get a wink of sleep. She then went down to the water to ask the whales to try and sink the barges out in the ocean. They refused because they are pacifists and believed fighting and killing is disgusting. Once she got back, they continued to fight. The dragon helped sink and destroy the barges, but was killed in the process. Before she was killed though, she sent Daine a picture of a cave in the northwest mountains. The next part I can't tell you because it's a spoiler, so your just going to have to read it yourself. What I can tell you is that the next day, Daine, Numair, Alanna, and some other knights went to the cave and found the baby dragon, Skysong. Daine became the baby's new mom. In the end, she still got to keep her job with Onua, even though her duty is to Skysong. She was even offered to live in the castle with King Jonathan and Queen Thayet. Then George and Alanna fought for Daine to live with them at Pirate's Swoop. And Numair said she should live with him in his tower since she is his apprentice. So in the end, she ended up having too many homes when she started out with none.
When I first picked up this book, I thought, "This book might be okay. It should be good enough to help me pass the time." But after I started reading it, I just couldn't put the book back down. I read nonstop until I finished the book. I didn't get a wink of sleep that night, but it was worth it. I couldn't wait to read the next book, Wolf-Speaker. This book had so many exciting and fun characters. Cloud was my favorite. She is strong when it comes to protecting Daine, but she is also stubborn and funny. Daine is lucky to have her in her family. She is reliable and caring.
I love how Tamora Pierce animated the animals. The described each animal and creature so well, I could see them in my mind as clearly as night and day. They animal's personality is also what I would expect from animals if they were able to communicate with us human. The immortals she came up with, I never would have thought of half animal, half human type monsters. She is so creative. I promise, once you pick up her books, you just can't put it down until you read every single page she has. I even feel the same excitement from rereading her books, and I'm the type of person to read a book once, love it, and never pick it up again.
Tamora Pierce's talent in creating monsters is so wonderful. I can imagine her sitting at her desk and letting her imagination wander free, looking for the perfect monster or character that fits her needs. I can already anticipate on new, well thought out characters in her next books. I can't wait to see how she plans on continuing this story. But hopefully in her next book she is able to easily explain who is talking at the moment because sometimes I have to reread some paragraphs until I know who is talking. She puts a lot of dialogue in the book, but sometimes she doesn't say who said it.
If I were to be able to become one of the characters, I would be the dragon because I love the thought of flying high over the place. It would look so beautiful from so high up. And the thought of being a mage is so exciting. I've always wanted magic. It can be so beautiful, but at the same time, it can also be dangerous. The dragon can also change color depending on her moods. That quality, when I read it in the book, matched perfectly with the dragon. A dragon can be fierce and it can also be calm and proud. It is majestic and at the top of the pyramid in the Divine Realms. When reading the parts about the dragons, I could practically feel their hot breath going down my neck and back.
I can't really compare this book with her other ones I read like, "The Circle of Magic series" or "The Circle Opens series" or "The Circle Reforged series". I love all her books. Or any book relating to magic. It's just so exciting reading about magical creatures that don't exist, but wish it does. I mean, who doesn't want to see a dragon or have a magical gift. I know I want to be able to talk or turn into an animal. Her books are all about magic, that's why she is my number one favorite author. I would love it if she read and commented on my blog about her. It would be a dream come true, but we all know that's never going to happen. But I can still dream. Anyway, her talent with paper and pen is magical. The way she can weave a story so magical, yet out of this world is real talent.
You can feel the atmosphere in the air change as you continue on through her books. She is one of my favorite authors and I hope she will continue to write more books for everyone to read in the future. Her books bring smiles of excitement to people's faces when they read. She was born to write stories for people to read and enjoy for years to come.
That's the end of my monthly book review. Please come back next week to read about Chloe and the other kids at Lyle House. Until then, see ya!
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