Hey everyone! Thanks for coming back and reading my blog. Today I would like to talk about what happened today because I have nothing else to talk about. Today I woke up at 7 and got ready for school. I left the house at 7:15 and caught the OX bus to school. First period I have P.E. I didn't have to run pacers because my stomach was hurting, so I got a note from my mom excusing me from P.E. today. Next I have my English Class with Mr.Sutherland. After that I have to go to Spanish 3, but today we had a sub so all we did was have a test about the video we watched yesterday and to write our own version of the "Present Tense Positive and Negative Commands" song in a group of 3 or 4.
Next I had HP Pre-Calculus. I hate math. I can't wait until it's summer because I don't have to worry about math. I was so tired and my stomach was still hurting that I almost fell asleep while we were taking notes. After lunch, I had to go to the Koffman building for my history class. We continued our debates about whether or not violent video games contribute to youth violence. Then last, I had chemistry. All we did was go over the worksheets from the previous days and we were given more for homework.
After school, Mitchell and I were walking to south shore because we both had appointments with Dr. Johnson, our orthodontists. When we got to South Shore, we decided to eat outside of Jamba juice before our appointments. We went to the orthodontist when we were done and everyone thought I was his brother or related to him because we had the same last name. When I finally got home, I went to sleep after eating. I was very lucky to be able to wake up and post this blog post up. I am so tired now. If this post makes no sense, then please wait until I am not tired and I will rewrite this. I am not sure if this is 300 words because I am typing this on my itouch, so I can't count the number of words. That's all I have for you folks. Please come back and read this blog when I am not tired. Until then, see ya!
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