Hey everyone! I just read the book, The Summoning, by Kelley Armstrong. I loved the book and I am currently reading the second book, The Awakening. They are part of the Darkest Powers Trilogy. The third book, The Reckoning will be out in April. So anyway, today, I would like to write about my version of The Summoning. I hope you like it!
My name is Chloe Saunders. This is a journal of my life. It is filled with dark secrets that no one should ever learn about. I know I am taking a risk with writing in this journal, but I just need somewhere for me to talk about all that is happening. I still can’t believe it’s real. So if you ever find this journal, what ever you do, DO NOT READ IT. I am serious. Knowing my secrets could cost you your life.
I know what your thinking. “How can these secrets cost me my life? She’s not here anymore. She won’t know if I read it.” You’re also thinking, “If you tell me not to read this, of course I’m going to want to read this.” So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to give you one last warning. Turn back now and you can live a normal life in peace, or keep reading and learn all of my dark secrets at the risk of losing your life.
So you decided to keep reading. Fine by me. If you die from your own stupidity, don’t come running back to me. You heard me correctly. You’re going to come running back to me AFTER you die because I am a necromancer. Since obviously you were stupid enough to keep reading, then you’re obviously too stupid to know what a necromancer is. A necromancer is basically a person who sees ghosts. They can talk to them, summon them, and raise the dead. When I mean raise them, I mean shoving the ghost back into their decaying body, and watching them come back alive. Kind of like a zombie but real.
You’re probably thinking I’m crazy or have schizophrenia, but I am totally serious. If you still don’t believe me, then slowly put the book down and run. You can still save your life, but you will have to live your life looking over your shoulder all the time. A life filled with caution because you only know part of my secrets. There are more waiting for you if you continue reading my journal.
Again, “YOU ARE STUPID. I gave you one more chance to live and you still keep reading. Are you asking for a Death Wish?” At least I know you believe me. So now there’s no turning back. You are about to read the beginning of everything.
It all started when I was 5. I still dream about it too. Feels like it was just yesterday. My parents were in the family room watching a movie together. I decided to walk around looking for a “secret base”, when I came to a door. I didn’t know until my parents scolded me that it was the basement. I decided to check it out. When I went inside, the hairs on the back of my neck rose. I started to turn back when I saw a man sitting on our old rocking chair.
He looked like my grandpa. I knew he was my grandpa even though I never knew him. We have pictures of him all over the house. But I thought, “That can’t be grandpa. Mommy said he is in a better place now.” I didn’t know what to do, so I panicked and started to scream. My mom and dad came running to get me. They asked what was wrong and I said, “Mommy, I saw grandpa rocking in our old rocking chair.”
Mom said, “That can’t be. He went to a better place remember sweetie.”
“But I’m sure that was him.” I ran back down and saw that he was still there. “Mommy, come quick. He’s still there.”
My mom came down and said, “I don’t see him sweetie.”
“But he’s right there. How can you not see him?”
Then my mom looked at my dad. They had a silent conversation with each other. Back then, I didn’t know what they were thinking, but now, I know they were thinking about my powers as a necromancer.
They silently decided to tell me it was the boogey man playing tricks with me. They still didn’t believe me, so I started crying.
They then brought me back to my room and waited till I calmed down and fell asleep. When I woke up, my aunt Lauren was there. She told me the boogey man was famous for scaring little kids with his illusions. She told me everything is going to be OK.
After I gave her a hug, she asked me, “Chloe, do you want to know how to stop seeing the boogey man and his illusions?”
I said, “Yes, yes, yes. Please show me. I don’t want to see them anymore. Make them go away.”
She then pulled out a small box out of her pocket, and gave it to me.
I asked, “What is it? Is it a present? Can I open it?”
“Of course. I got it just for you.”
I started tearing the wrapping paper, and when I opened it, I saw a necklace. There was a big red stone hanging off of a gold chain. “It’s beautiful. Can I really have it?”
“How else are you going to keep the boogey man away? It’s called a talisman. As long as you wear it all the time, it will keep you safe. Your parents and I both want you to live a wonderful life. That’s why we got this for you. Will you promise to wear it every day?”
“Yes, yes, yes. Thank you so very much!” I gave her a big hug and kiss on the cheek.
That’s all I have for you this week folks. Come back next week to hear what happens next. Until then, see ya!