Friday, December 18, 2009

Winter Break

Hey everyone! I'm sooooooo happy. Winter break is finally here. I love Christmas. I plan on volunteering at Asian Health Services in Oakland Chinatown. I've been volunteering there since 6th grade. I go there as much as I can, even if it's only for a day, like on Staff Development Day. I also plan on going ice skating with Iris and some other friends. I love ice skating. I miss it so much because I had to quit because I started high school. If you guys want to learn how to ice skate, just comment and we'll go. My conditions are that I have to know you, meaning I go to school with you and your my friend. Second, I'm broke, so you'll have to pay for my admission and rental skates. Most likely you guys won't take lessons from me because on my second condition.

I also can't wait til I get enough money to buy my itouch. I only need $10 more. I finally get to listen to my music again. The only thing that sucks about winter break this year is the fact that Ms. Malik, my chemistry teacher, gave me 3 worksheets. If you guys know me, then you should know that I'm going to wait until lunch and do it on the Monday we come back. If you guys have Ms Malik, then you are welcome to help me.

Since I have nothing else to talk about, let me ask you guys a question. Can you guys name all of Santa's Reindeers because I can't. I had to go online. Here are the names for those of you who are just like me. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. I hope you guys will have a better Christmas than me. I love working at Asian Health, but you guys probably would rather go out with your friends than to work. That's all I have for today. I hope you guys get what you want for Christmas. Maybe you'll get lucky and kiss someone special under the mistletoe. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. See you when winter break is over. Until then, see ya!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Hey everybody! Today is my cousin's birthday. If you read my blog from last week, then you would remember Samantha's birthday. She is Jessica's older sister. She turned nine today. I'm such a bad cousin because I didn't have a gift for either of them. But I did make her boiled eggs because our grandparents always made boiled eggs-we call it birthday eggs-on our birthday. My mom got her an Amazon gift card. I wonder what she's going to get with that. If I were her, I would use it to help me buy my itouch. I hope she spends it well.

Now that I don't have anything else to say, now I would describe what is happening around me until I reach 300 words. I don't have a choice because I can't think of anything to write about. My step-brothers come over every other weekend. They are over this weekend, and we are all watching an anime called Case Closed. It is a detective show. The episode we are watching is a murder case. The victim's name is Maya. Her older sister killed her making it look like a suicide. Mindy is the name of the murderer. The reason she killed her sister is because they got along too well. Maya copied her sister's every move. She even fell in love with Mindy's boyfriend. But Mindy's boyfriend loves Maya and not Mindy. That's why they are getting married. Mindy thought her sister didn't care about her, but she did. She decided to lie to Mindy saying she fell in love with her boyfriend, but what really happened was that he proposed to Maya. Maya decided to lie so that Mindy won't be as sad if she knew he loved Maya even though she didn't give him the time of day. When Mindy found out about this, she really regretted doing it.

That's all for today. Hope you come back next week. Until then, see ya!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Little Sister and Cousin

Before I begin my blog post, I would like to say,

Hey everyone! Welcome back. Today, I would like to talk about my little sister and cousin. They are extremely bad kids. They get into everything. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them. My little sister is Ashley and she turned 4 in August. She's not exactly my sister, she's my half-sister. My cousin's name is Joshua and he is about 3 or 4 (I forgot, so don't tell him. I know, I'm a bad cousin) and his birthday is in October. They get in trouble so much. Alone they are manageable, but together, they are unbearable. This past weekend, my mom, step-dad, older sister, 2 younger step-brothers, my half-sister, and I went up to Mariposa (not sure if I spelled it correctly) to visit my step-dad's parents. I haven't been there in years. It is so beautiful up there. It's 2 hours away from here, but only an hour away from Yosemite. Anyway, on Saturday, we made this huge bonfire to burn old wood, and my little sister saw it. Guess what happened when we got home. She built a bonfire with my cousin's toys at my auntie's house yesterday. Think about it people, my auntie has 3 girls and a son (Joshua). They have a ton of toys. So Ashley goes right into the toy room and dumps all the toys in a huge pile. When my auntie came in, her jaw literally dropped. When she asked Ashley what she was doing, Ashley said, "Yee-Yee, look, a bonfire." And she pointed at the pile and started blowing it like a real fire. And guess who she brought to help with this. Joshua. Now here's a question for you guys. Who ended up cleaning this all up? Me. Well not just me, my older sister, Ashley, and my auntie helped too.

Here's another story for you all. Today after dinner, Ashley drew all over my auntie's table. Guess what she used to draw with. A sharpie. A permanent marker. When my auntie saw, she said, "Who did this?" And Ashley said, "Joshua did it." When my auntie asked Joshua if he did it he said, "No." So my auntie looked around the room and saw her youngest daughter, Christina, and asked her if she saw anything. She said, "I saw Ashley do it." When my Auntie went back to Ashley, she said, "I didn't do it, Yee-Yee. Joshie did it." Before I continue with the story here people, here's a little question for you. What happens when little kids play with markers? Right, they get it on their hands. So when my auntie asked for the kid's hands, she saw that there were none on Joshua's, but 2 marks on Ashley's. What does that say about Ashley? It says that she is a liar at the age of 4. FOUR people. She hasn't even been to preschool for a year now and she is already lying. Anyway, guess who had to clean the table. You're wrong this time. I DID NOT clean it up this time. My grandma decided on her own free will to clean it up. I have no idea how long it took, but she got it off. Let's give her a round of applause.

You guys know what sucked about Ashley doing that to the table? She didn't even get in trouble with our mom. My mom came over to eat cake with everyone because it was my auntie's oldest daughter's birthday. When she saw what Ashley did, she was like, "No Dora the Explorer and Longan (Dragon Eye in Chinese-a type of fruit) for a week." When my oldest sister heard, she was like, "Yes no Dora!" I was mad though because guess what happened the next day. She got her Dora and Longan back. You know why I was mad. I was mad because when I was Ashley's age and I drew on the wall at my grandparent's old house in Oakland with a crayon (NOT a permanent marker), I got spanked in the butt with a hangar. I was thinking that it is so not fair. Since I'm comparing stuff about me and my sister, I might as well tell you guys my mom is spoiling her too much. My mom is going to buy her a DS and an itouch while my sister and I when we were her age only wanted a game boy to share. To share, not one each, and guess what she said. She said no. We had to ask our auntie to get it for us as a Christmas gift. I think I should stop now before I get too carried away. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about next week, so you'll just have to come back and find out. Until then, see ya!